7 Cool Tricks I Learned About Elixir Through Exercism.io

January 17, 2017

7 Cool Tricks I Learned About Elixir Through Exercism.io

Recently, I’ve been trying to learn about functional programming language by trying out the Elixir language.

Elixir logo

This isn’t a typical how to post so much as documenting what I’ve learned so far about Elixir’s API. A lot of it is mostly based on the code I wrote for this Elixir code kata.

Trick 1: Rejecting a blank string in a list

In case you have to reject a blank string in a list, you can do so with code like the following. Enum.reject rejects any element for which the function result is true.

["H", "E", ""]
|> Enum.reject(fn(x) -> x == "" end) # reject blank string in array
# result is ["H", "E"]

Trick 2: Grouping duplicate characters together

As I was working through the run-length-encoding kata, I discovered the chunk_by method in the Enum module. Basically, this groups like characters in a list that are next to each other.

["H", "H", "E", "L", "L"]
|> Enum.chunk_by(fn(x) -> x end)  # group duplicate chars -> [["A", "A"], ["C", "C"]]
# result is [["H", "H"], ["E"], ["L", "L"]]

Trick 3: Splitting a string via a regular expression match

If you look at the code below, it splits a string into list elements consisting of numbers and letters. Look carefully at the include_captures and trim options in Code block 1 compared to Code block 2.

Code block 1
token = "3A12B"
Regex.split(~r/\d+[a-zA-Z]+/, token, [include_captures: true, trim: true])
# split string such as "3A12B" into ["3", "A", "12", "B"] without blanks
Code block 2
token = "3A12B"
Regex.split(~r/[a-zA-Z]+/, token)
# returns ["3", "12", ""]

Regex.split(~r/[a-zA-Z]+/, token, [include_captures: true])
#returns ["3", "A", "12", "B", ""]

You’ll notice both options give you some tremendous power in terms of tokenizing a string via a regular expression.

Trick 4: Integer.parse

Code block 3
token = "3A12B"
list = Regex.split(~r/[a-zA-Z]+/, token, [include_captures: true, trim: true])
num_tuple = Integer.parse(List.first(list))
num_list = Tuple.to_list(num_tuple)
num = List.first(num_list)
letter = List.last(list)

Trick 5: Tuple.to_list

Since Integer.parse(“3”) returns a tuple {3, “”}, I needed to convert it to a list. The Tuple#to_list method takes care of this.

Tuple.to_list({3, ""})

Trick 6: Integer.to_string

To convert an integer to a string, you use the to_string method.

#returns "3"

Trick 7: Piping Into Anonymous Function calls

I’m showing you the complete code for context. |> (&prime_message(number, 5, &1)).() is piping the return value of the previous function as an argument in &1.

defmodule Raindrops do
  @doc """
  Returns a string based on raindrop factors.

  - If the number contains 3 as a prime factor, output 'Pling'.
  - If the number contains 5 as a prime factor, output 'Plang'.
  - If the number contains 7 as a prime factor, output 'Plong'.
  - If the number does not contain 3, 5, or 7 as a prime factor,
    just pass the number's digits straight through.

  @prime_map %{
    3 => "Pling",
    5 => "Plang",
    7 => "Plong"

  @spec convert(pos_integer) :: String.t
  def convert(number) do
    r = prime_message(number, 3, "")
        |> (&prime_message(number, 5, &1)).()
        |> (&prime_message(number, 7, &1)).()
    transform(number, r)

  defp transform(number, r) do
    if r == "" do

  defp prime_message(number, factor, res) do
    if rem(number, factor) == 0 do
      res <> @prime_map[factor]
      res <> ""



Hopefully, these tricks I learned will help you learn Elixir!

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Written by Bruce Park who lives and works in the USA building useful things. He is sometimes around on Twitter.