When calling a ruby method (note: in this article, I’m writing with respect to Ruby version 1.9.x), you must supply the correct number of arguments, otherwise you will get an error. Consider the following:
def method1(x,y)
puts "Hello, I require 2 arguments."
Calling method1(1) will give you an error like the following:
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
If you want to allow zero or more arguments, try using the splat operator
The splat operator (also known as an asterisk "*") can be used as follows:
def method2(*args)
puts "Hello, zero or more arguments in #{args} is all I need"
Using *args
means that when you call method2, you can supply zero or more arguments.
You can also have a combination of required and optional arguments:
def drive_car(driver_name, *cars)
cars.each { |c| puts "#{driver_name} drives #{c}"}
So calling drive_car("Bob", "mustang", "fiesta", "ranger")
Bob drives mustang
Bob drives fiesta
Bob drives ranger
=> ["mustang", "fiesta", "ranger"]
You can also use the splat operator when calling a method
So after running the following code,
mycars = ["mustang", "fiesta", "ranger"]
drive_car("Sally", *mycars)
ruby will give the output:
Sally drives mustang
Sally drives fiesta
Sally drives ranger
=> ["mustang", "fiesta", "ranger"]
In an upcoming article, I’ll talk about the order of method arguments with the splat operator.